Trinity Energy Services, LLC is a full service oil and gas industry land service firm based out of Houston, TX.


Managing Member
Jack is a graduate of Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia and The University of Mississippi “Ole Miss”. Jack founded Trinity Energy Services, LLC in 2005. Jack manages several Texas clients and has managed field crews on seismic exploration projects as well as various lease plays in South Louisiana, South Texas, East Texas, The Eagleford Shale and the Barnett Shale Area. Jack received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Studies from The University of Mississippi “Ole Miss” and is a member of AAPL and HAPL. In 2011 he received his Certified Professional Landman’s License from the AAPL.

Senior Landman
In 1985, John founded John D. Moores, Jr., Inc., a Professional Land Service Company that developed prospects from Louisiana to Florida. In 1998 he founded Hopa Exploration Company, Inc. and in the summer of 2005 joined forces with Black Dog Exploration, LLC to create Trinity Energy Services, LLC. The areas of expertise include Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas and New Mexico. He has managed due diligence projects in Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Michigan and Louisiana. John received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Louisiana State University and is a member of AAPL and HAPL.

Senior Landman
Nathan is a native Houstonian and a graduate of St. Edwards University and received a Bachelor of Business Administration. Nathan is a Senior Landman and oversees multiple field crews in Texas where his duties have included detailed mineral title research, seismic permitting, curative research, due diligence projects, mineral leasing and optioning. Nathan is a Texas Notary Public and an active Certified Professional Landman with the AAPL and a member of the HAPL.

We offer complete professional land services to the energy and communication industries throughout the United States. Our experienced office and field personnel are available to handle any of your needs from initial lease checks to complicated due diligence for the acquisition of producing properties. We have worked extensively with private, public and governmental agencies on numerous projects. We coordinate with title attorneys on complicated curative matters and can tailor our reports, spreadsheets, mapping and data to your specifications.

Lease Checks
Lease Acquisition
Title Research
Abstracts and Run Sheets
Title Curative
Complete Seismic Survey Management
Seismic Permitting & Lease Option Acquisition
Damage Settlements
Regulatory Compliance
Pipeline and Road ROW Acquisition
Due Diligence
Railroad Commission Research
DNR (LA) Research
MMS Research
BIA Research



Company Resume
Head Office
118 Vintage Park Blvd. Suite #W718
Houston, Texas 77070
Phone: (713)522-0644
Fax: (713)522-0699
To apply for a job with Trinity Energy Services, please send your resume. to: resume@trinityenergyservices.com.
Get a quote: (713)522-0644